Taking part in various training programs is an important and necessary step to achieve business goals.
But it is even more difficult to ensure continuity of learning and of acquiring or improving skills for each of the employees, subsequent to the training sessions.
An instrument that comes to support this process of continuous improvement is the e-Learning system of online information and knowledge level testing. Basically, this is an application that ensures continuity of training, after the delivery of the programs, through online sessions of knowledge check and by posting course materials on a common site so that any user of the program can access them anytime.
The possibility of structuring the evaluation sessions on categories of courses and sub-chapters makes this application an investigative tool that covers a very broad spectrum of types of training. Due to its high versatility, the program can be used to test the knowledge level of the participants in the areas covered by the training packages they participated in. By creating and accessing a database for each course, it is possible to adapt the testing program to the curriculum specific to each course delivered.
The flexible structure of the application allows the company management to investigate on different axes the knowledge level of their employees. At the same time, the possibility offered by the application to store information recommends it as a convenient means of training for the sales force and aftersales.
Tools provided by the e-Learning system
Testing for different courses and feedback to the evaluation sessions
• Creating a database on subjects
• Configuration of testing sessions
• Scheduling testing sessions
• Correcting evaluation forms and presenting them in a format approved by your company
Informative section accessible to all registered users in the application
• Course textbooks for the training programs contracted by your company
• Media sector with relevant articles of domestic and international media, related to the company activity and the domain you activate in
• Newsletters
• Any other documentation
The applicability of the e-learning program both as an information tool and as a method of investigating the level of knowledge is not only for the case presented above, namely the sales department. Results as eloquent as this can be obtained when the e-Learning application is used for the employees belonging to the financial, human resources, payroll, technical and after-sales departments.