• 19 years experience in the domain of sales and sales-team management, acquired in automotive industry and pharma.
• 3 years experience in business administration, gained in the course of developing his own business ideas
• 13 years experience in building and delivering training programs
• Rich experience in project management and in organizing major car- related events
• Motivated to obtain exceptional results in the projects undertaken
He went through continuous professional development, starting from the position of sales consultant and reaching a managerial position at a national level.
A graduate of the Commerce Faculty of Academy of Economic studies. He also graduated the Romanian-Canadian MBA Program, Bucharest School of Management – joint program between Academy of Economic Studies & University of Ottawa.
Fields of expertise: marketing, sales, management and sales team management.
Accomplished projects:
• Conceiving, organizing and delivering nationwide product training programs, sales and sales management for important players on the automotive industry.
• Active participation in organizing and developing the national sales network for an important car importer.