This course analyses the concept of organizational culture with respect to the internal mechanisms which form and define an organization. From the importance of leadership style and implicitly, the strategy of decision making, to the way of organizing, acting and interacting of the employees, organizational culture is the binder that consolidates all the structures of a company and brings to a common denominator the way of thinking, expressing and acting of the members of a company. It is, in essence, a company’s way of being and reacting with the help of the elements forming it.
This course builds on the feeling of belonging to a powerful company, increases the level of involvement and dedication to daily activities, and helps understand the resorts that lead the company to success. It aims to improve the vertical and horizontal communication within the company and the degree of collaboration between departments and individuals.
Addressing to
All the employees, no matter the hierarchical level.
Duration: 2 days
1. Organizational culture – why should we care about it?
2. Concept and structure
– Manifestation methods
3. The dimensions of organizational culture
-Adaptation to the external environment
– Managing internal integrity
– “Truth” versus “Reality”
– “Time” and “Space”
– People and relationships
– Decoding the organizational culture
4. Building, developing and changing organizational culture
5. Managerial culture and its functions (motivation, affiliation, change, harmonization, competitive advantage)
6. The role of leadership in the construction, strengthening and evolution of organizational culture
– Leaders, the creators of organizational culture
– Leaders, the promoters of the organizational culture
– What you should know about the changes of organizational culture
– 10 steps in the evaluation of organizational culture